A shopping street, Hong Kong
A street junction with a line marking across it, Shanghai
Man carrying a basket walking along a hill track
A drover with a beast of burden
Pedlar carrying two covered baskets
Mules with panniers
View from mountains of valley road and houses
A roadside inn and butcher's shop
Mukden and Sawgin Roads, Shanghai, 1937
Barricades and anti-tank measures on Boundary Road, and Shanghai North Railway Administration Building, Zhabei, Shanghai, 1937
Bomb damaged Shanghai North Railway Administration Building, Boundary Road, Zhabei, Shanghai, October 1937
Nationalist soldiers (88th Division) and dugout near Hungjao, Shanghai, 1937
Chinese Custom House, Dairen, c.1925
Automobile under the entrance to a tunnel
Thomas Johns, with sons Gerald and Donald on automobile running board
Geraldine Johns, with passengers, in an automobile
Gerald and Donald Johns, with dogs
A covered bridge on the Wufungpu road, south of Shaoyang, with animal fleeces
The road up to Kuling (Lushan)