Rock pile (gongshi) in a Forbidden City garden, Beijing
Detail of the north facade of Cui shang lou
Artificial rock hill with cave entrance in the Forbidden City
Upper gallery of Yan Qu Lou on a rock hill
Song xiu ting atop artificial rock hill
Rock garden in courtyard at Ta Yuan Fu, Yenching
Rock garden in residential compound of E.K. Smith at Yenching
Small pavilion and rock garden at Ta Yuan Fu, Yenching
Rock garden and pavilion at Ta Yuan Fu, Yenching
Rock garden and covered walkway at Ta Yuan Fu, Yenching
Qi lin, incense burner, and rock in front of Ren shou dian
Incense burner, rock, and flowering tree at Ren shou dian
Rock on a stone pedestal with relief panel of animals and waves on Back Hill at Yihe Yuan
Rock garden and tower in Nanhai Gong Yuan
Rock garden next to a covered walkway at Nanhai Gong Yuan
Stairs with marble balaster in rock garden in Beihai Gong Yuan
Bai ta with west side hall of Cheng jue dian and rock garden below