Burning on a pyre
A grave, or ruins of a building?
Bluff behind Mission House, Kweilin
Rope bridge over mountain river
West River Rapids
The Lungchow River
Large picnic party, Hong Kong
Rock (gongshi) on a pedestal, covered walkway, and octagonal gate in the Forbidden City, Beijing
Rocks on Tai Mountain
Trees and detail of inscribed rock on Tai Mountain
Group of people outdoors posing among large rocks, somewhere near Canton
S[outh] landing place and landing hut
Sian, Shensi. Ahungs, Christian & Moslems.
Kehtsikung, Tsinghai. A Salar grave.
Sian. The Great East Mosque. Left tablet to Hsien Yang Wang.
Moslem country. [The garden of Ma Hsi-wu.] Another part of the garden.
Islam in Peiping.
There is only one Islam
Shoreline with buildings