Porters pulling a loaded cart, Hong Kong
Fishermen on a boat, Hong Kong
F. Hagger in Weihai (威海)
Boatmen and passengers on a houseboat
Tom Hutchinson posing behind a cross bollard on an excursion boat, Huangpu, Shanghai
Cow with a rope wrapped around its head tied to two posts
Man holding incense and rope outside temple building on Miaofeng Mountain
Rope used as water conduit, by a waterfall, at Fangguanyan temple (方广岩寺), Geling Mountain, near Fuzhou (福州)
Living quarters and the poop deck, aft of a sampan
A man watching two children playing a game with stones, Hong Kong
The Lindsay's lorry being pulled out of mud, on the road from Suide (绥德县) to Yan'an (延安), 1944
The outer harbour and city, Dongshan
Street food stall outside the Chinese Anti-opium refuge, Yongchun
Rope used for building and repairing dykes and banks on the Yellow River
Building or repairing a dyke on the Yellow River
Pile driving during repair of banks on the Yellow River
Worker with pounder used for driving piles during repair of dykes and banks on the Yellow River
Coal yard, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Lockhart's touring party's boats lashed together, on the Hsiao-Ching-Ho