A rest house
Harold Peck and others
Shanghai Municipal Policemen, Shanghai
Men in front of a building
Harold Peck, with Stanley and Barry Peck
Sikh policemen running three-legged race
Harold Peck with his children
Harold Edwards Peck in front of a house
Shanghai Municipal Policeman with motorcycle goggles, Shanghai
Shanghai Municipal Police, Shanghai
Sinza Police Station personnel (Shanghai Municipal Police), Shanghai, 1933
Sinza Police Station personnel, Shanghai, 1933 (left side)
Sinza Police Station personnel, Shanghai, 1933 (middle)
Sinza Police Station personnel, Shanghai, 1933 (right side)
Staff of Chengtu Road Police Station 1934, Shanghai
Chinese policeman, Chengtu Road Police Station, Shanghai
Policeman, Chengtu Road Police Station, Shanghai