35th Baluchis
Silhouette of a soldier bayonetting a man
Allied troops on British Legation lawn, Beijing
Review of Allied Troops, Forbidden City, Beijing
The Indian Troops, Review of Allied Troops, Forbidden City, Beijing
Captain Clayton Jones carrying Portuguese colours, Review of Allied Troops, Forbidden City, Beijing
Indian officers with their flag at the Allied Review, Forbidden City, Beijing
American Mounted Troop, Shanghai Volunteer Corps route march, 1930
Light Horse Troop, Shanghai Volunteer Corps route march, 1930
Worcestershire Regiment band, Shanghai Volunteer Corps route march, 1930
Worcestershire Regimental band, Shanghai Volunteer Corps annual route march, 1930
Shanghai Scottish Company and pipers, Shanghai Volunteer Corps route march, 1926
Shanghai Municipal Police Sikh Mounted Troop heading the column, Shanghai Volunteer Corps route march, 1930
Light Gun Battery, Shanghai Volunteer Corps route march, 1930
Field Artillery Battery, Shanghai Volunteer Corps route march, 1930
Armoured cars parked by the Shanghai Race Club, Recreation Ground, 1930
Shanghai Scottish Company, Shanghai Volunteer Corps route march, 1930