Shop signs for a noodle shop and two unidentified shops
Portable stove of rice cake vendor
Rice cake vendor holding a wooden tap box called a bang zi next to portable stove
Street vendor at his stand striking a gong to attract customers
Toy vendor with gong called a tong luo, display stand, and boy holding a toy
Toy vendor, display stand, and boy holding a toy
Boy holding toy next to toy vendor's stand
Street scene with shop sign for a drum shop
Boys buying blown candy from street vendor
Display of blown candy forms on vendor's stand
Molded candy displayed on candy maker's stand
Candy vendor with his box of supplies attaching candy to a bamboo stick
Customer buying tracery candy from a candy vendor at his stand
Tracery candy vendor heating candy on a portable stove
Paper-cut maker displaying wares for sale at his market stall
Vendors' stands beside Chaoyangmen (朝阳门), Beijing
Woman and Daoist priest at an incense stand at New Year's
Customer at a book stall at New Year's
Toy vendor making and displaying reed toys at his stand
Woman at a stand selling paper flowers at New Year's