Stone tomb on the Shandong coast
Stone and brick building with a thatched roof in a village on the Shandong coast
Detail of a house in a village on the Shandong coast
Pilgrims buying peach-wood walking sticks on the trail up Miaofeng Mountain
Pilgrims on the trail up Miaofeng Mountain
Pilgrim being carried up Miaofeng Mountain in a sedan chair
Pilgrim with walking stick and backpack on Miaofeng Mountain
Seated pilgrim with backpack holding child and metal bucket on Miaofeng Mountain
Pilgrim with souvenir hat and peach-wood walking stick descending Miaofeng Mountain
Outside Ningsia. A lovely relic of long ago in the temple.
Sailor on a stone elephant, Spirit Way (南京), Xiao Ling Mausoleum (孝陵), near Nanjing (南京市)
Husking rice with a stone wheel and an ox (chaser mill), Yinzhou (鄞州), Ningbo
A woodland footpath between upright stones, Hong Kong
Weathered stone form on top of a free-standing pillar
Stone bridge with gargoyle, over a sluice, Ningbo
Huanlong Bridge (环龙桥), the entrance to Yuyuan Garden (Tea Gardens), Shanghai
Retaining wall, by beach, Chefoo
A woman with two children, Hongkew Park (虹口公園), Shanghai (上海)
Leo Dudeney by the Yangtze River