A street corner - a food cart near a shop selling soap
Mourners under a white canopy in a funeral procession, Shanghai
Toung mourners in a funeral procession, Shanghai
A woman washing laundry in the doorway of a carpenter's workshop
Men standing beside a peep show box
Tianxinghao (天興號) tea shop, Beijing
A shop on the corner of Nanking Road and Fokien Road, Shanghai
People with a hedgehog and pups in a street
People gathered outside a shop selling fans, Shanghai
A group including a man holding a small package
A shopping street with horse carriage, rickshaws, carter and water carrier, Shanghai
The Temple of the Queen of Heaven (天后庙), North Honan Road (河南北路), Shanghai (上海)
Dajing Pavilion (Dajingge 大境阁), workshops and city wall, Shanghai
Children and adults standing and watching at the side of a street, Shanghai
A woman wearing a jewelled headdress
A woman and a child in a rickshaw, Shanghai
Three men sitting over a threshold, and a man in the shadows holding a pipe
A woman with bound feet, with baskets and materials for winnowing grain
Carved stone doorway, Shanghai
Sawing timber beside an entrance