Gordon Campbell with Butterfield & Swire Nanjing office staff, 1933
Taikoo Sugar Refinery (太古糖業), Hong Kong (香港)
Launch of SS 'Wuchang', Hong Kong (香港)
Warehouse under construction, Holt's Wharf, Hong Kong
The wreck of the S.S. Chusan, Weihai (威海)
The wreck of the S.S. Chusan, Weihai (威海), three days after running aground - the bows
The wreck of the S.S. Chusan, Weihai (威海), three days after running aground - the stern
Taikoo Sugar Refinery (太古糖廠), Quarry Bay (鰂魚涌), Hong Kong
Adding earth to a river bank, Canton, 1907
A warehouse beside a river, Canton, 1907
China Association dinner to Sir Robert Hart, London
Sir Robert Hart, 1908
J.H. Scott, President of the China Association
The steamer 'Kinling' in Shanghai
'Ngankin' at Hankow
The steamer 'Poyang'
The steamer 'Minkang' (闽江).