Night view from Victoria Harbour towards Central, Hong Kong
View from Mt. Kellett, looking east, Hong Kong
Deep Water Bay (深水灣), Hong Kong
A small pagoda and a view over Yantai (煙台)
Panorama of Xiamen (廈門) (1)
Panorama of Xiamen (廈門) (2)
View over Wanchai and Admiralty, Hong Kong
Wanchai and Admiralty at night, Hong Kong
Two young women on a Sincere Department Store roof garden viewing platform, Shanghai
Mansions in the Mid-Levels, Hong Kong
Repulse Bay (淺水灣), Hong Kong
Residences on the Peak, Hong Kong
Albany Filter Beds (water purification), Hong Kong
View of Victoria Harbour from the Peak after the 1874 typhoon, Hong Kong
View of Hong Kong from Government House, showing Victoria Prison, Magistracy and Superintendent of Police Quarters
Mount Gough (歌賦山), Hong Kong
Signal Station, Victoria Peak, Hong Kong
Pok Fu Lam Reservoir (薄扶林水塘), Hong Kong
Hong Kong harbour and Kowloon (九龍), viewed from the Peak, Hong Kong
Boats in the harbour, Hong Kong