Eighth Route Army soldiers marching across a parade ground, Jinchaji
Seated Eighth Route Army soldiers, with bamboo hats, listening to a speaker on a stage
Celebrating the success of resistance to a Japanese offensive, 2nd Sub-district, Qian Tan, Jinchaji, December 1943
Soldiers on parade and spectators, with a pagoda in the background, Wanxian Zhan, Hebei, 1938
Soldiers gathered near sports pitches (basketball and football)
Grenade throwing practice, in a dried up river bed, Jinchaji
Erica Lindsay playing with machine gun cartridges, with 2nd Sub-district Chief of Staff and captured Japanese munitions, Qian Tan, Jinchaji
Erica Lindsay playing near a display of captured Japanese munitons, 2nd Sub-district, Qian Tan, Jinchaji
Eighth Route Army soldiers charging towards Japanese soldiers behind grave mounds, Central Hebei
Japanese soldiers sitting on top of an armoured vehicle
A badly damaged car
A soldier with bayonet on rifle beside the grave of twenty-eight Japanese infantrymen
Men digging a wide trench
Soldiers marching in step
Chinese troops of the 29th Army, with ZB-26 light machine guns, on Lugou Bridge (卢沟桥), Beijing (Marco Polo Bridge Incident), July 1937
Ranks of soldiers with staves carved with Chinese characters
Chinese soldiers on a city wall near a gateway
Officers with binoculars and soldiers behind a bank
A prominent military man raising a white gloved hand in salute
Catholic University Demonstration Group with a banner (辅大示威团), Zhengyangmen (Qianmen), Beijing