A view over an unidentified town, north China
Soldiers crossing a snowy mountain gulley
Mountain scenery
Mountains, river and fields, under snow
Soldiers crossing Mount Cangyan (苍岩山) during the 500 mile trek to Yan'an (延安), 1944
Men, women, and children in the back of a lorry between Suide (綏德) and Yan'an (延安), May 1944
The Jinchaji Border Region War Resistance Martyrs' Memorial (晋察冀边区抗战烈士纪念塔), after being destroyed by the Japanese, Tang County (唐县), Hebei Province
Children by the entrance to Dr Norman Bethune (白求恩)'s grave and memorial, Tang County (唐县), Hebei Province
Hsiao Li Lindsay (李效黎) spinning wool or cotton, Yan'an (延安)
Hsiao Li Lindsay (李效黎) with Erica and James Lindsay in a homemade pram (stroller), Yan'an (延安)
The Lindsay family at Yan'an (延安), 1945
Erica Lindsay wearing a cardigan made by her mother, Yan'an (延安), 1945
Hsiao Li Lindsay (李效黎) with James Lindsay, Yan'an (延安), 1945
Hsiao Li Lindsay (李效黎) with Erica Lindsay, Yan'an (延安), 1945
Michael Lindsay (林迈可) and a Chinese man
Jiaojichu children on a mule, with muleteers, Yan'an (延安)
Landscape picture of mountains with a small hut
Beyond mountains, more mountains
Crossing the icy Yongding River near a Japanese garrison, in a coracle-like basket, December 1941
Crossing the Yellow River in a barge, 23 April 1944