Women washing clothes in the Liuli River with village in background
Woman wearing jewelry holding a child in the Lost Tribe country
Woman wearing elaborate heirloom robe and earrings in Sang-yuan Village [sic] in the Lost Tribe country
Woman with traditional teapot hairstyle in the Lost Tribe country
Woman and children outside a house on the way to the Lost Tribe country
Woman sewing shoes in the Lost Tribe country
Woman with earrings in the Lost Tribe country
Woman nursing a child in the Lost Tribe country
Woman wearing earrings in Tio-liu-po Village [sic]
Woman with teapot hairstyle and earrings in the Lost Tribe country
Woman wearing earrings and a striped shirt in Tio-liu-po Village [sic]
Woman wearing hoop earrings in the Lost Tribe country
Woman wearing earrings with floral motif in the Lost Tribe country
Women and children in Tio-liu-po Village [sic]
Woman doing her hair in the traditional teapot style in the Lost Tribe country