Lighthouse constuction workers
Lighhouse construction workers and rowing boat
Lighthouse construction workers by cliff
Shaweishan Lighthouse construction workers having a meal, Tsungming Island
Unloading materials for lighthouse construction
Building work beside Shaweishan Light, Tsungming Island
Lighthouse construction workers
Workers moving and stacking bricks
Houseboat 'Pursuit' near the city wall, Zhapu
Construction at the Canton-Hankow railway line
Mid-day meal at a street food kitchen, Peking
A carter and donkey by Fuchengmen (阜成門), Beijing
Street food kitchen outside Yongdingmen (永定门), Beijing
Yongdingmen (永定门), Beijing
Repairing the 'Lest we forget' corner, British legation, Peking
Ceremonial archway, The Bund, Shanghai, during the Duke of Connaught’s visit
The Masonic Hall and Messrs Butterfield and Swire, The Bund, Shanghai, during the Duke of Connaught’s visit
Loading a barge from S.S. Admiral Turpitz, Taku Bar (大沽)