Frozen river, Newchwang
Athletic sports, Yingkou, 1893
Baggage train leaving Newchwang, First Sino-Japanese War, 1894-1895
Damming a waterway
Captain Carey and the crew of H.M.S Firebrand, Newchwang
The defenders of Newchwang, 5th March 1895
The defenders of Newchwang, 6th March 1895
Ruined temple, aftermath of the battle of Tienchwangtai, 1895
Ruins, aftermath of the battle of Tienchwangtai, 1895
Guns, aftermath of the battle of Tienchwangtai, 1895
Bringing the wounded to the Red Cross Hospital, Yingkou, 1895
H.M.S. Firebrand and U.S.S. Petrel, Newchwang, 1894-1895
Butterfield and Swire office in Newchwang (牛庄)
House in Newchwang (牛庄)
Front compound being roofed, Newchwang (牛庄)
Front compound, Newchwang (牛庄)
Newchwang (牛庄) back compound
Godowns 1 and 2, Newchwang (牛庄)