A girl standing on Des Voeux Road, Hong Kong
Children in front of a teahouse and medical provisions shop, Hong Kong
Porters pulling a loaded cart, Hong Kong
A customer and a butcher, Hong Kong
Women and children going to market, Hong Kong
An ancient well, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Fishermen on a boat, Hong Kong
Mrs Julia X-sheng and her son Charles, Hong Kong, 1941
Miss Madeline Foo, with bridesmaids, Hong Kong, 1947
Madeline Foo with her husband Jack Kai Au, Hong Kong - a so-called “Foreign style” wedding
The Peak, Hong Kong
Mount Austin Barracks, Hong Kong
Victoria Harbour, Naval Bund, and the Victoria Recreation Club under construction, Hong Kong
Victoria Gap, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Naval Bund, Murray Pier, and the Victoria Recreation Club under construction
Tennis in Hong Kong
Hedgeland playing tennis in Hong Kong