Child in Hong Kong public gardens
Beside a fountain, Hong Kong public gardens
Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong, and junctions for D'Aguilar Street and Pedder Street
Businesses and rickshaws on Queen's Road, Hong Kong
Wyndham Street (Flower Street), Hong Kong
Street in Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
Near Hong Kong harbour
Boats at anchor, Hong Kong
Sampans in a typhoon shelter, Hong Kong
Hong Kong harbour
Atmospheric view of Kellett Island (奇力島) and Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong
Dent's Fountain, Queen's Road, Hong Kong
Barker Road/Plantation Road Station and Peak Tramway, Hong Kong
Cathedral of The Immaculate Conception, Hong Kong
Potted chrysanthemums and banana trees, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Club and statue of Edward VII, Hong Kong
Hongkong and Shanghai Bank building, Statue Square, Hong Kong
Taikoo Dock offices, Hong Kong
View over Taikoo Dock, Hong Kong, showing part of the Taikoo Aerial Ropeway
Taikoo Dock, Hong Kong