A room in the British Consul’s house, Kunming (昆明)
An office at the British Consul’s house, Kunming (昆明)
Photographs in an office in the British Consul’s house, Kunming (昆明)
A dining room at the British Consul’s house, Kunming (昆明)
A bedroom at the British Consul’s house, Kunming (昆明)
Near Colonel Le Seelleur's house, Kunming, 1945
Outside Colonel Le Seelleur's house, Kunming, 1945
One of the inner gates of the city, Kunming, 1945
Fiddament's Lancastrian at Kunming, with jeeps and ambulance, 1945
Fiddament's Lancastrian at Kunming, 1945
Nose of Fiddament's Lancastrian, Kunming, 1945
Gateway, Kunming, with policeman on point duty
Grain for sale in street, Kunming
Fruit shops, Kunming, 1945
Meat shop, Kunming, 1945
Boy with silk animal-face headwear, Kunming, 1945