Target shooting
Shooting party on a boat, with killed birds
Duck hunters disembarking from the 'Stella'
Men with shot ducks on the 'Stella'
Duck hunters, with their dogs, on the 'Stella'
A group of firemen, Shanghai Fire Brigade, c.1915
Shanghai Fire Brigade members at a meal
Emily Wallace with her daughter Claude Wallace, Shanghai
Wallace family group, posed with a framed portrait of a man
A group on a veranda at 'Errol', Shanghai
An unidentified amateur theatrical production relating to Moses
A childrens' theatrical production relating to English knights
Nuns (Franciscan Missionaries of Mary), women and girls
Men posed beside gongshi (供石) with bird cages, and a zigzag bridge, Huxinting (湖心亭), Shanghai
The Bubbling Well, Shanghai
Baocheng Silver shop (silversmiths) and bank (宝城银楼), Shanghai
A mouring alter with three mourners
A memorial altar for the deceased, in the house of a well-to-do family, Shanghai
Studio re-enactment of an opening ceremony for a Sze Yuen Ming (Yao Hua Studio) (耀華) photographic shop/studio, Shanghai