A woman on a barge with bundles of rice straw
Villagers drying rice on a raised mat
Agricultural worker walking past a group of friends, near Shanghai Boating Club
Three women walking on a path by a field near Shanghai Rowing Club
Jack Ephgrave and friends, beside a water pump, near Shanghai Rowing Club
A woman in a coracle-like vessel in a Water Caltrop paddy
Four Shanghai Rowing Club members
A man smoking a very long pipe
Bridge and Shen Lo (Water Pavilion), Szemao, Yunnan Province
Shan automatic waterwheel and weir
Entrance to Juelin Temple (Ching Ling Shi 觉林寺), with Baoen Pagoda (报恩塔) behind, Nan’an District, Chongqing
A Royal Navy sailor posing with a plough
F. Hagger with two pipe-smoking Royal Navy sailors in a maize field, Weihai (威海)
Agricultural workers harvesting
A porter resting on a wheelbarrow by a field of maize (sweet corn)
Royal Navy sailors by a millstone
Children at a farm, Weihai (威海)
A porter with a loaded wheelbarrow assisted by a sail, North China
Scraping kernels off maize (sweet corn) cobs
Agricultural workers harvesting and threshing