Detail of the north facade of Cui shang lou
South facade of Bei ting with four hua biao at the Ming Tombs
Wang zhu on Shen Dao leading to the Ming Tombs
Columnaded porch with incense burners and courtyard with stelae and tortoise stela at Dong yue miao
Facade of a temple building with columnaded porch and incense burners at Dong yue miao
Metal water vats in the courtyard of single-story building with a columnaded porch in the Forbidden City
Marble lion, hua biao, and detail of south facade of Tian an men
Hua biao and south facade of Tian an men
Interior view of Ling en dian at Chang ling
Interior of Wu men showing coffered ceiling, columns, and screen
Waijinshui Qiao, marble lions and hua biao seen from Tian an men
View from Tian an men showing Waijinshui Qiao, marble lions and hua biao, and Yu Lu with Qian men in background
Tortoise stelae, stone animals, and stone figures at Wu ta si
South facade of Bei ting and hua biao at the Ming Tombs
Interior view of Da cheng dian at Kong miao
Bell Tower (Zhonglou 钟楼) and Drum Tower (Gulou 鼓楼), Beijing