Penglai Pavilion, Dengzhou 蓬莱市, Shantung
The city of Dengzhou 蓬莱市, Shantung
Magistrate, Prefect, Deputy, with Lockhart and Barnes at Taming Lake
The Lake in the Governor's Yamen, Tsi Nan Fu
The Pearl Spring in the Governor's Yamen, Tsi Nan Fu
Pavilion at Taming Lake, Tsi Nan Fu
Pao T'u Spring, Chi-nan
A Chinese judge in his garden, with Lockhart and Barnes
Guides on Thousand-Buddha Hill
City gate at Yen Chou Fu
Xinglong Pagoda, Xinglong Temple, Yanzhou, Shandong
Where Mencius, the favourite disciple of Confucius lived
Lockhart and Father Klaphek
Duke Confucius greets Lockhart, Qufu (曲阜)
Lockhart meeting the Duke Confucius, Qufu (曲阜)
Lockhart reading address in Temple of Confucius, Qufu (曲阜)
Duke of Confucius with Lockhart and others, at the Duke's temple, Qufu (曲阜)
Duke Confucius (with Chinese women in background), Qufu (曲阜)