British Consul General's house, Tianjin (天津)
British Consul General's house and KMA building, Meadows Road, Tianjin (天津)
British Consul General's house, viewed from the street, Tianjin (天津)
Interior of the British Consul General's house, Tianjin (天津)
Panoramic view of the British Consul General's new house, Tianjin (天津)
Gravelled area, British Consul General's garden, Tianjin (天津)
Street outside the British Consul General's house, Tianjin (天津)
British Consulate, Jinan (濟南)
A building at the British Consulate, Jinan (濟南)
British Consul’s residence and offices, Qingdao (青島)
Street view of the British Consul’s residence and offices, Qingdao (青島)
British Consul's house and offices, Wenzhou (溫州)