The Caccia's Temple
A meal on the marble 'Boat of Purity and Ease', Peking
British Legation, Peking
British Legation entrance gate, Peking
Passage across the courtyard, British Legation, Peking
Lama priests and a prayer wheel, Yonghe Temple (雍和宮) ‘The Lama Temple’, Beijing
Huazhongyou (画中游), New Summer Palace (颐和园), Wanshoushan, Beijing
Minister’s House, British Legation, Beijing
The green pagoda (香山琉璃塔) of Grand Zongjing Monastery, Fragrant Hills Park, Western Hills, near Beijing
Ann Phipps at the Temple of Heaven, Peking
Ann Phipps and Fergy, The Tomb of the Princess, Peking
Ann Phipps and Goretti, The Tomb of the Princess, Peking
Entrance to the Tomb of the Princess, Beijing
Children and riding group, the Tomb of the Princess, Beijing