Margherita Varé and Mary Lampson at a picnic at the Tomb of the Princess, Beijing
Visitors at ‘White Pine Temple’ (隆恩寺 Longen Temple), Shijing Hills (石景山), near Beijing
The Tomb of the Princess, Peking
Posing with the male lion (tongshi 銅獅), Summer Palace, Beijing
Male lion (tongshi 銅獅), Summer Palace, Beijing
Chongwenmen (崇文門 Hatamen), Beijing
Yiheyuan, Wanshoushan, Kunming Lake, Peking
On prow of the Boat of Purity and Ease, Summer Palace, Peking
Fergy, with bamboo pole
Bridge, Peking
Event at St Michael's Church, Legation Quarter, Peking
Rachel Lampson and Mrs MacMurray, Peking
The Pagoda of Buddhist Virtue, Summer Palace, Peking
Kunming Lake from the Summer Palace, Wanshoushan, Peking
Bridge at the Summer Palace, Beijing
Guard with trumpet, Summer Palace, Peking
Kunming Lake, Peking
Ferry on Kunming Lake, Peking