Custom House, Huangpu River and Pudong, Shanghai
Mactavish & Lehmann, Broadway Mansions and Astor House Hotel, Shanghai
Garden Bridge, Broadway Mansions and the Russian Consulate, Shanghai
Kiangwan Gymnasium, Shanghai
Ten-story pagoda near Lanchow
Pailou in Shantung
Lama monastery, with musical instruments, Kumbum, Tibet
Temple of Heaven after reconstruction, Peking, 1928
High Temple, Ting Yuan-ning, 1949
Pavilions in the Forbidden City, Peking
Hall of Eminent Favour, Dingling Ming Tombs, Peking
Base of pailou, Ming Tombs, near Peking
Jingfuge Pavilion, Summer Palace, Peking
Entrance, with posters on the wall
Boat of Purity and Ease, Summer Palace
Thousand year old yamen
Stone bridge
Wooden bridge with gateways
Bridge over city waterway
Crossing a stone bridge