Arthur Frederick Bayley, Royal Field Artillery
Sikh soldier guarding the Bronze Ox, Summer Palace, Beijing
Shanghai Volunteer Corps Church Parade and Inspection, 1925
Line up of men with white armbands
Men with white armbands and an officer
A mise en scène symbolizing the state of China prior to the 1911 Revolution
Army nurses on stretcher exercise, c.1925
Soldiers, Shanghai, March 1927
General Tung Fu-hsiang (Dong Fuxiang, 董福祥)
Wounded Kansu soldier (from General Dong Fuxiang's force), at the British Legation, Beijing
Sikh soldiers with medals, Indian Army, Beijing
Volunteer encampment at Hang Hau, Hong Kong (香港)
Two British officers
British soldiers, Shanghai
Sid 'Akkers' Attree, Hong Kong
Portrait of Major J.C. Watson
Anglo-Chinese force on parade, with cannon, Ningbo