City walls with extra defensive masonry and barricades, Peking
The graves of American marines and Russian soldiers, in Russian Legation, Peking
The Hanlin Academy (翰林院), Peking
Reinforced outer wall, and water well, during siege of the Legation Quarter, Peking
Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest, Temple of Heaven (天坛), Peking (北京)
Peking cart and driver, Peking (北京)
Legation Guards sports, Peking (北京)
Refreshments during a polo game, Temple of Heaven (天坛), Peking (北京)
Children at tea, British Legation, Peking (北京)
The Pool of the Black Dragon (黑龙潭), Peking
Zonghuamen, the first gate to the Imperial City, Beijing
North wall and moat, Inner City (Tartar City), Beijing
Hatamen Street viewed from Chongwenmen (崇文門), Beijing
Imperial Park, Beijing
Group at Tomb of the Princess, Beijing, 1900
Camel train passing the British Legation, Peking, 1900
'Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest', Temple of Heaven, Peking
At the Observatory, Peking, 1900