Presentation of addresses on Coronation Day, Weihaiwei
British Governor of Weihaiwei with Chinese Officials of Shantung
Governor William Robinson laying the foundation stone of Victoria Jubilee Hospital, Hong Kong
Houses and the Drum Tower (鼓楼), Nanjing (南京市)
Wedding of Miss Phillips and Dr. Reid
Wedding reception for Dr and Mrs Reid
Wedding group
‘Wedding procession’, Shanghai
‘Funeral procession’, Shanghai
British Episcopal Church, Foochow, decorated for a wedding, 1895
Studio re-enactment of an opening ceremony for a Sze Yuen Ming (Yao Hua Studio) (耀華) photographic shop/studio, Shanghai
A wedding at the British Legation, Peking
Funereal offerings
Umbrella holder and drummer
Launch of the SS 'Circe', Hong Kong