A studio portrait of the Mitchell family
Two boys in uniform, on sentry duty by a gateway, Central Hebei province
School children in Hebei province
Soldiers marching in a village in West Hebei province
Cheering avenue of soldiers and children
Children in a school established by Michael Lindsay (林迈可)
Children in a school room, with slogans on posters in Chinese and English on the wall
A village school room with children learning Chinese characters, Central Hebei province, 1938
A youth organisation welcomes Michael Lindsay (林迈可) and others
People lining a street to welcome foreign visitors, Central Hebei province
A group of soldiers, with civilians and children
Two photographs: A curious crowd looking through a window at foreigners (some children frightened by the camera)
Road builders - a man and three children
Two photographs: A darkened room with children at the window; George E. Taylor with a group of men by a table, 1938
Listening to a story before a drama performance
A man on a stretcher with his arm in plaster
Burnt down houses, with a women and children outside, 1938
Men and boys pose for a photograph
A badly damaged car
Market garden produce for sale near a stall