Church and preacher's house, Dehua, Fujian province
Tan Chhiet and his wife, Dehua
A new church and rice field
The old church in a village, Fujian province
Bearers with sedan chair outside the church, Le Khi, Fujian province
Church, Xiaoxi, Fujian province
Pastors and preachers at Xiaoxi
A chapel on a hill top, Fujian province
The pulpit in a chapel
The London Mission Chapel, near Beijing, burnt down during the Boxer Uprising
Madras Pioneers (British Indian troops) at 'Maxim' gun drill, near the new Union Church, Tianjin
Xishiku Cathedral (北堂), Beijing, after the siege, 1900
St Joseph's Chapel in ruins after the 1874 typhoon, Hong Kong
Ruins of St Paul's after the 1874 typhoon, Macau
St Anthony's Church, damaged by the 1874 typhoon, Macau
St John's Cathedral (聖約翰座堂), Hong Kong
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (聖母無原罪主教座堂), Hong Kong
The Berlin Foundling House ('Berlin Mission'), Hong Kong
The Public Gardens, viewed from the East, Hong Kong
Procession to the thanksgiving service, Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, St John's Cathedral (聖約翰座堂), Hong Kong