Zheng Yuxiu, wearing a cloche hat
A man beside a memorial for Taishi Ci
Sun Ke and a woman
Four people around a table
Two women by the seaside
Discussion over a map, possibly of Canton's Dashatou district
Two men, including Fu Bingchang
A walking party, including Fu Bingchang, beside balancing rocks
Two men and a woman
A dashing portrait of young Fu Bingchang
A young woman seated on a cane chair
Fu Bingchang by an art deco screen, c.1920
Fu Bingchang and a woman
A group including Fu Bingchang and a Chow-Chow (鬆獅犬)
Fu Bingchang in a famous garden, Hangzhou, early 1930s
Hu Hanmin, Wu Yifei and others outside Berliner Schloss, Berlin
Hu Hanmin and three women, including his daughter Hu Mulan
An unidentified couple on a ship
Fu Bingchang (傅秉 常), Zhang Yunying (张芸英) and Wu Chaoshu (伍朝枢 )