Dressed up for a fancy dress party
Christmas fancy dress group
Amateur dramatics - the cast of an unidentified play
A scene in an unidentified play
A picnic at Sharp Peak, Foochow
A man with a horse
Wedding photograph - Bunch Oswald and Bob Sutherland, Tai Hing, Fuzhou
Guests at the wedding of Bunch Oswald and Bob Sutherland, Tai Hing, Fuzhou
Mount Davis, seen from Pinewood Battery, Hong Kong
Lowering or raising a Union Jack flag, Caretaker’s House, Pinewood Battery, Hong Kong
Group of Chinese and foreign men
High ranking Chinese and foreign officials, including the British Consul E.T.C. Werner
Lillian Emily Palmer, Shanghai
Two European men in boaters
Europeans at the races
A portrait of an unidentified girl, with a book
Sir Miles Lampson and his niece Ann Phipps at the Peking Races (Autumn Meeting), Beijing
Lady Rachel Lampson, wearing a Siberian coat, with Bigliardi, at a drag hunt near Beijing