Nationalist soldier between a gate and sandbagged guard post, Shanghai, 1937
Nationalist soldiers between a gate and a barricade, Shanghai, 1937
Sandbagged guard post near Pantheon Theatre, at the corner of Range Road and North Kiangse Road, Shanghai, 1937
Guard and mafoo at gate of Yamen, Tientsin
A watchtower to look out for bandits, near A-Kau, Taiwan
British Marines on a gun platform, Mongol Market, Peking
Sentry box and military buildings, Weihaiwei
Road in front of Government House, Weihaiwei
Village Headmen addressed by British Commissioner, Sir James Haldane Stewart Lockhart, Weihaiwei
Headquarters and Officers Quarters, 1st Chinese Regiment, Weihaiwei
Li Kung Tz'u, Chinan
General Ma and staff, Shandong
Legation Street barricaded with sandbags, near the United States Legation, Peking Mutiny 1912
One of the alleged perpetrators of the ‘Kucheng massacre’, with his captors
Bridge at the Summer Palace, Beijing
Sandbags, 'Grand Central Hotel', Shanghai
Tiger Head Hill, Amoy Island, Amoy
British soldier checking a pedlar's basket, Shanghai
British soldier drinking beer at a guard post, Shanghai