Soldiers walking past a field
Chinese soldiers on horseback in single file on a track
Lindsay's escort for crossing the Peking-Hankow railway line
A man on horseback and another man fording the Sha River at Fuping, 1938
A youth organisation welcoming foreign visitors
Camel caravan and Baota Pagoda (宝塔山), Yan'an (延安)
Soldiers crossing a snowy mountain gulley
Evening clouds over people on horseback beside the Sha River, Hebei
Dr Norman Bethune (白求恩) on horseback, travelling from the hospital to military HQ
Tun-Lok and horses, Zhangpu
Junction of two pathways, with a man, a horse, and an inscribed roadside stone tablet, Fujian province
An old four-wheel horse drawn cart, being used to transport muck, near Beijing
Marjorie Gordon Maxwell on a horse in a safety saddle, Yongchun
Spectators beside a racecourse, Gulangyu, Xiamen
Kulangsu Club House, Gulangyu, Xiamen