Queen Victoria's statue, Statue Square, Hong Kong
Streets decorated to celebrate Queen Victoria's Jubilee, Hong Kong
Queen's Road Central, decorated to celebrate Queen Victoria's Jubilee, Hong Kong
Procession to the thanksgiving service, Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, St John's Cathedral (聖約翰座堂), Hong Kong
The governor and others on the grandstand during the Review (Diamond Jubilee), Happy Valley, Hong Kong
A pavilion for Chinese women, Diamond Jubilee Review, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
Royal Engineers display, Wellington Barracks, Hong Kong, for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee
Review of troops during Queen Victoria's Jubilee celebrations, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
Arch commemorating the Silver Jubilee of King George V, at the entrance of the British Consulate General, Shanghai (上海)
Stone commemorating Queen Victoria's Jubilee, Wuhu (蕪湖)