Statue of Confucius, Zhangpu
Temple of Confucius, Zhangpu
Fishermen's dwellings on the harbour wall, Dongshan
Part of Dongshan city, viewed from the city hill
Boat used by Dr John Preston Maxwell on his preaching tour of December 1902
Group of missionaries with an amah and children
A group with Dr James McN. Howie and Dr John Preston Maxwell
Dr John Preston Maxwell's servants, Zhangpu
Landing place for large junks, Yunxiao
Dongshan pagoda - entrance to Dongshan Basin
Chapel building, Zhao'an, southern Fujian province
A village and fields near Zhao'an
Paper figures and a paper pavilion to be burnt at a funeral
Dr John Preston Maxwell's mountain house, Tao Bo, near Zhangpu
Toa Bo settlement, near Zhangpu
The sitting room in Dr John Preston Maxwell's house, Toa Bo, near Zhangpu
Dr John Preston Maxwell with water buffalo cow and calf
The North Gate and city walls, Zhao'an
Dongshan city and city wall
Confucian school, Zhangpu