Shaweishan Lighthouse construction workers having a meal, Tsungming Island
Five men having a meal
Decorated officials, Shanghai
Street food kitchen outside Yongdingmen (永定门), Beijing
Men posed in the Yao Hua Studio, Shanghai, with enlarged photographs of courtesans
A smiling man posed eating, in a photographer's studio
Tea on the beach, Weihaiwei
Picnic to the 'Blossoms', Chefoo, 1902
Mealtime at the Methodist Mission School, Chaotung
A meal in the Marble Boat (石舫), Summer Palace (頤和園), Beijing (北京)
Royal Navy men having refreshments in the Forbidden City (故宮), Beijing (北京)
Tientsin: Muslim street vendor; Li Hongzhang Shrine
Food for sale beside a street
Blindfolded donkey milling; roadside food pedlar
Food pedlar; workman
Children playing in Fuyo Street, Tientsin
Customs staff during a meal at Nanking
Celebratory lunch at the Russian Consulate, Taheiho (Aigun / Heihe)
Chinese cooks serving up food to American Company Shanghai Volunteer Corps members billeted at the Mixed Court building, Zhejiang Road, Shanghai, October 1924