War damage near North Railway Station, Shanghai, 1932
Damaged buildings, Shanghai, 1932
Japanese sentries, Zhabei, Shanghai, 1932
Ironmonger, Tientsin
Boy standing next to a portable stove in front of a shop selling metal household goods
Man selling metal and ceramic household goods in front of shop
Shop selling household goods made of metal
Street vendor selling second-hand household goods at Tianqiao Market
Shop front displaying metal household goods for sale in Tai'an
Itinerant blacksmith and bellows man
Blacksmith shop, Weihaiwei
Travelling blacksmith, Weihaiwei
Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Company Platers' Shed, Hong Kong
Ingots and starring furnaces, China Mining & Metal Company Ltd., Gin Drinkers Bay (醉酒灣), Hong Kong
Mining works, China Mining & Metal Company Ltd
Old workings, China Mining & Metal Company Ltd
Lower Works, China Mining & Metal Company Ltd
Volatilising furnace, New Wah Chang Co.
Smelting furnaces, New Wah Chang Co.