Shaweishan Light, Tsungming Island, Yangtze Estuary
Shaweishan Light and sheds, Tsungming Island
Building work beside Shaweishan Light, Tsungming Island
Man by door to Shaweishan Light, Tsungming Island
Lighthouse construction workers
Two men on a rocky outcrop
Workers moving and stacking bricks
Man wearing waterproof clothing, during construction works
View over Hong Kong
Lieutenant Shepherd visiting the Hsien of Luchou
HMS Clio band
Entrance to Queen’s House, Weihaiwei
The Italian cruiser 'Trento', Huangpu River, Shanghai, 1932
HMS Cumberland, with a destroyer and a tug, Shanghai, 1932
USS Houston, Shanghai, 1932
Blue Funnel Line SS Patroclus, Shanghai, 1932
The Italian cruiser 'Trento', Shanghai, 1932