Queen's House, Liugong Island (劉公島), Weihai (威海)
Royal Navy sailors pretending to work a waterwheel
Royal Navy sailors with a donkey on a farm
A donkey milling grain at a farm
Royal Navy sailors by a millstone
Two Royal Navy sailors outside a building
F. Hagger and other Royal Navy sailors
Royal Navy sailors, wearing swimsuits, posed above a water gate, Weihai (威海)
Royal Navy sailors, with children, on a beach
A Royal Navy sailor looking at an incense burner in a temple, Yantai (煙台)
Women washing clothes in a stream, Weihai (威海)
A meal in the Marble Boat (石舫), Summer Palace (頤和園), Beijing (北京)
Royal Navy men having refreshments in the Forbidden City (故宮), Beijing (北京)
Royal Navy men drinking beer
A funeral procession
A boy with Royal Navy men, North China
F. Hagger riding a pony, North China
The wreck of the S.S. Chusan, Weihai (威海)
F. Hagger sitting by the side of the road
Two Royal Navy personnel at a Christmas party, Hong Kong