Soldiers of the 1st Chinese Regiment flying kites
Funeral procession in the countryside
Coffin with bearers
Burning paper offerings at a funeral
Man with hunting dogs
European men eating outdoors
Colonel Ruxton with a horse, 1st Chinese Regiment, outside the regiment's headquarters, Weihaiwei
Horse riders crossing a field
'Ironsides', a champion race horse, c.1905
'Trust', winner of the 'Ladies Purse', Chefoo, 1904
Horse race, Chefoo 1904
A group with P.E. O'Brien Butler, the British Consul, c.1904
Punishment with cangues
Four women travelling by wheelbarrow
Moving goods along a busy street, Tientsin
Martial arts display by soldiers of the 1st Chinese Regiment - 武术
Timber sawing in a harbour
Altar of Agriculture, Peking, with two shrines
Buddha tiles, Shan Yin, Yong'An, Peking