A figure
Horses and pack of hounds, 1903
Horses and pack of hounds, 1902
Captain W.H. Dent with foxhound puppies, 1st Chinese Regiment, Weihaiwei
Group dressed for horse riding
Chinese man with a horse called 'Tuctoo'
Liveried man with a horse called 'Naaman'
European man with two horses
Chinese woman, with bound feet, beside a chair
A large group of Chinese women
Children and grain mill
Chinese woman with bound feet
Deep sea diver beside a boat
Bound feet and shoe
Soldiers, 1st Chinese Regiment, Weihaiwei
Soldiers marching, 1st Chinese Regiment, Weihaiwei
Chinese soldier with gong, 1st Chinese Regiment, Weihaiwei
Men marching, not in uniform, 1st Chinese Regiment