The Long Corridor, Summer Palace, Beihai Park (北海公园), Beijing
Decorative bridge over a stream
Buildings in a valley
A garden on a slope
A wedding at the British Legation, Peking
Summer garden party
Colonel and Mrs Ruxton
Colonel Robert Ruxton
Colonel Robert Ruxton by a moon gate
High jinx at a golf club
Playing cricket
W.C. Cassels, Senior Consul's Deputy
British Universities and Schools Luncheon Club garden party
Sir Alexander Grantham and other spectators at a soccer match, 1948
Colonel R. M. C. Ruxton, MBE OBE
Mrs Catherine Louise Ruxton
Boxer Uprising memorial, 1st Chinese Regiment, Weihaiwei
Drummer boy, 1st Chinese Regiment
Soldier in the 1st Chinese Regiment, in drill order, summer 1900
Drummer boy, in winter uniform, 1st Chinese Regiment