On a train to the Great Wall of China
Passengers on a train, north China
Group travelling by donkey to the Ming Tombs, near Peking
Base of pailou, Ming Tombs, near Peking
Caravan of Bactrian camels (Camelus bactrianus)
Two women in nightwear on board a ship
S.S. Pilsna
View of the coast from the upper deck
Colonel Ruxton in front of a vehicle
Touring the Ming Tombs by donkey (backwards)
The Great Wall, striking westwards from near Qinhuangdao (秦皇島)
Camel train at the Great Wall of China
Jingfuge Pavilion, Summer Palace, Peking
City walls and gateway
Entrance, with posters on the wall
Boat of Purity and Ease, Summer Palace
Aerial photograph of Zhongnanhai, Peking, looking north.
Harrowing a rice paddy field
Pulling up rice plants in a nursery bed