Facade detail of a shop that sells tea showing entrance, shop signs, and carved animals
Facade of a pastry shop showing shop signs and carved woodwork
Detail of a shop facade showing decorative relief work with figurative scene
Facade of a tea shop with shop signs and carved woodwork
Facade of a pastry shop with shop signs
Facade of a shop that sells pastry showing shop signs
Facade of a pastry shop showing shop signs
Street barber at work in front of a shop that sells soap
Facade of a shop selling noodles and congratulatory cakes showing shop signs
Facade of a shop that sells soap with shop signs
Shop signs for a pastry shop
View of shopfronts showing shop signs for a noodle shop (center) and a drum shop (right)
View of shopfronts showing shop signs for a paint and dye shop (left) and a metal-work shop (center)
Facade of a shop that sells funeral paraphernalia showing shop signs and a paper horse
Shop signs for a noodle shop
Facade of a shop showing shop signs for candles (left), cotton (center), and wool (right)
Man riding bicycle loaded with sacks