Facade of a pastry shop showing shop signs
Facade of a shop that buys pearls, precious stones, and gold jewelry
Shop signs for a straw flower shop
Facade of a shoe shop showing shop signs
Shop sign for a metal worker's shop
Shop fronts with signs for noodles and musical instruments
Facade of a wine shop showing shop signs
Man looking at a street vendor's display stand in front of a seal-carving shop during New Year's.
Shop window with a picture of a door god during New Year's
Three figures in an ice lantern shop
Human figure in an ice lantern shop
Ice lantern sculpted in the form of a human figure
Four ice lanterns sculpted in the form of human figures
Interior of an ice lantern shop showing a group of men, dragon figures, and an ice lantern in the form of a human figure
Shop interior showing ice lanterns and other figures
Male and female figures in an ice lantern shop
Lantern shop at New Year's
Facade of a lantern shop with shop signs at New Year's
Fish-shaped lanterns outside a shop at New Year's