Detail of carved wooden shrine showing painted scene with three figures and a horse
Two small carved wooden shrines painted with figures, a horse, and floral motifs
Detail of carved wooden shrine showing painted scene with six gods
Interior of Da cheng dian showing altar of Confucius (left) and eastern shrine of disciples (right)
[K]umpei of Pu Ha-tin. Yangchow, Kiangsu. Tablet.
[K]umpei of Pu Ha-tin. Yangchow, Kiangsu. The tomb.
Kumpei of Pu Ha-tin. Yangchow, Kiangsu. At the entrance. This kumpei outside city across Grand Canal.
[K]umpei of Pu Ha-tin. Yangchow, Kiangsu. General view.
Muslim boys and missionary at gong bei
South of Wuchang, Hupeh. The exterior.
South of Wuchang, Hupeh. The kumpei on the hill.
Hung Lo Fu, home of Ma Tsen-wu, & Pan Ch'iao, home of Ma Chin-hsi. Beehive kumpei.
Kehtsikung. Minaret and gong bei.
Tsinghai or Koko Nor. An Obo. Entering Siang-tang. Just west of Tatung R.
Salar country. The emigrants from Samarkand saw this and were glad.
Kehtsikung. The Salar shrine. Five times a day ""Allahu akhba[r]"" - God is great - sounds from this tower.
Kehtsikung. One of the ""kumbas"" or tomb of a Salar saint. Note the trees growing out of the graves.
Hsuan Hua Kang, Kansu. Mausolems [sic] of Ma Yuan-chang [right] and Ma Kuang-tao [left].