Ruins of the locomotive shed at Fengtai, Peking and damaged locomotives
Ruins of Zhengyangmen (Qianmen 前门), Beijing, after the Boxer Uprising
Ruined locomotive shed and damaged locomotives, Fengtai, Peking
Busy street and Temperance Hall, Tientsin
Pontoon bridge, Tientsin
'Grasshopper', an improvised locomotive engine, and wagon
Temporary bridge, with railway cut through Outer City wall, and Yongdingmen Gatehouse (永定门), Beijing
Alliance soldiers
British soldiers on guard at the British Legation, Peking
British Legation, Peking
Beihai Lake and the White Dagoba, Peking
Railway bridge, with ruins in background, Peking
Imperial Vault of Heaven, Temple of Heaven (天坛), Peking (北京)
Sidings at Peking (Temple of Heaven) Station, Beijing, 1900
Bronze dragon, Summer Palace, Peking
The Round Mound, Temple of Heaven, Peking
Pier and derrick